SN4638 "Invalid number format" bei eingehendem Anruf auf Kopfnummer


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16 Dez 2009
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ich habe das Problem, dass bei einem eingehenden Anruf auf die Kopfnummer (per ISDN) der Call gedroppt wird. Wenn man statt der 0 eine Durchwahl wählt, kommt der Anruf am Asterisk an.

Ziel ist es, alle Anrufe von BRI00 und BRI01 an den Asterisk weiterzuleiten, welcher die SmartNode zurück ruft, um das Gespräch über BRI02 und BRI03 an die Telefonanlage zu schicken.

Der Grund für das Ganze: alle Anrufe sollen über den * gehen, damit dieser in Echtzeit eine Anrufliste pflegen kann. Auch soll der Faxempfang und die Voicemail über den Asterisk abgehandelt werden.

(Die SmartNode hat die IP, Asterisk

Wenn man die Kopfnummer anruft, scheint es so, als ob das *-Interface den Anruf nicht annimmt: "Hunting succeeded but destination dropped call: Invalid number format."

Im *-CLI ist trotz hoher Verbosity nichts zu sehen.. (ein evtl. "Extension 0 not found" würde ja trotzdem ausgegeben werden)
Wenn man nun aber das SIP Interface aus der HuntGroup raus wirft, bzw. den * killt, dann werden die Anrufe auf die Kopfnummer ordnungsgemäß an das (nächste) ISDN Interface in der HuntGroup weiter geleitet..

Langsam fühlt sich das nach einem Asterisk-Problem an..


Es würde mich auch noch interessieren, ob es normal ist, dass in der Zielrufnummer nicht die komplette Kopfnummer + Durchwahl mit Ortsvorwahl steht, sondern immer NUR die Durchwahl.
ISDN Anbieter ist Hansenet..

Auszug aus dem SmartWare Debug: (aktuell)
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_ISDN0-009db410/active] Set call-leg property: E164-Number -> 04106123456789
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_ISDN0-009db410/active] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-Number -> Unknown
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_ISDN0-009db410/active] Set call-leg property: Numbering-Plan -> ISDN/Telephony numbering plan
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_ISDN0-009db410/active] Set call-leg property: Presentation-Indicator -> Presentation allowed
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_ISDN0-009db410/active] Set call-leg property: Screening-Indicator -> User provided, not screened
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_ISDN0-009db410/active] Set call-leg property: Name ->
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_ISDN0-009db410/active] Set call-leg property: Supports Overlap-Sending -> true
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_ISDN0-009db410/active] Set call-leg property: Unique Identifier -> 53
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_ISDN0-009db410/active] Set call-leg property: Quality-Of-Service -> MOS 4.50, DS0
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_ISDN0-009db410/active] Set call-leg property: Network -> IF_ISDN0
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_ISDN0-009db410/active] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x00f5aae8
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_ISDN0-009db410/active] Set call-leg property: State -> CONNECTED
16:19:02  CC    > [Call 009db300] Set call property: Context -> 0x00000021
16:19:02  CC    > [Call 009db300] Set call property: Information-Transfer-Capability -> 3.1kHz Audio
16:19:02  CC    > [Call 009db300] Set call property: Hops -> 0x00000010
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_ISDN0-009db410/active] Dial to provider router (IF_ISDN0-precall-service) using call 009db300
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/incoming] Accept call 009db300
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/incoming] Set call-leg property: E164-Number -> 0
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/incoming] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-Number -> Unknown
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/incoming] Set call-leg property: Numbering-Plan -> ISDN/Telephony numbering plan
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/incoming] Set call-leg property: Name ->
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/incoming] Set call-leg property: Network -> router
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/incoming] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x00f5ce18
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> TRYING
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880] Start route-lookup
16:19:02  CR    > [switch] Routing-Lookup:
16:19:02  CR    >   Execute all entries in table IF_ISDN0-precall-service
16:19:02  CR    >   Find best-matching called-entry in table from_AMT
16:19:02  CR    >     00: Prefix Timeout Expression: called-e164 of 0 completely (timeout) matches ^(?:)
16:19:02  CR    >     01: Prefix Timeout Expression: called-e164 of 0 completely matches ^(?:0)
16:19:02  CR    >     Selecting entry 1
16:19:02  CR    >   Execute all entries in table HG_1-dest
16:19:02  CR    >   Execute all entries in table route-found-place-call
16:19:02  CR    >   Lookup result: Route found; place call (timeout=0)
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880] Route found; immediately place call
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880] Route to provider 'HG_1'
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/outgoing] Set call-leg property: E164-Number -> 04106123456789
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-Number -> Unknown
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Numbering-Plan -> ISDN/Telephony numbering plan
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Presentation-Indicator -> Presentation allowed
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Screening-Indicator -> User provided, not screened
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Name ->
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Supports Overlap-Sending -> true
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Unique Identifier -> 53
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Network -> router
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x009e5118
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/outgoing] Set call-leg property: State -> CONNECTED
16:19:02  CC    > [Call 00f58898] Set call property: Context -> 0x00000021
16:19:02  CC    > [Call 00f58898] Set call property: Information-Transfer-Capability -> 3.1kHz Audio
16:19:02  CC    > [Call 00f58898] Set call property: Hops -> 0x0000000f
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/outgoing] Dial to provider HG_1 () using call 00f58898
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/incoming] Accept call 00f58898
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/incoming] Set call-leg property: E164-Number -> 0
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/incoming] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-Number -> Unknown
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/incoming] Set call-leg property: Numbering-Plan -> ISDN/Telephony numbering plan
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/incoming] Set call-leg property: Name ->
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/incoming] Set call-leg property: Network -> HG_1
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/incoming] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x00f88d68
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> TRYING
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030] Hunt to IF_SIP_Asterisk_IN ()
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/incoming] Set call-leg property: Allows Push-Back -> false
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/outgoing] Set call-leg property: E164-Number -> 04106123456789
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-Number -> Unknown
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Numbering-Plan -> ISDN/Telephony numbering plan
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Presentation-Indicator -> Presentation allowed
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Screening-Indicator -> User provided, not screened
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Name ->
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Supports Overlap-Sending -> true
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Unique Identifier -> 53
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Allows Push-Back -> false
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Network -> HG_1
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x009e2440
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/outgoing] Set call-leg property: State -> CONNECTED
16:19:02  CC    > [Call 00f5aee8] Set call property: Context -> 0x00000021
16:19:02  CC    > [Call 00f5aee8] Set call property: Information-Transfer-Capability -> 3.1kHz Audio
16:19:02  CC    > [Call 00f5aee8] Set call property: Hops -> 0x0000000e
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/outgoing] Dial to provider IF_SIP_Asterisk_IN () using call 00f5aee8
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_Asterisk_IN-009ee0b8/active] Accept call 00f5aee8
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_Asterisk_IN-009ee0b8/active] Set call-leg property: E164-Number -> 0
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_Asterisk_IN-009ee0b8/active] Set call-leg property: Type-Of-Number -> Unknown
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_Asterisk_IN-009ee0b8/active] Set call-leg property: Numbering-Plan -> ISDN/Telephony numbering plan
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_Asterisk_IN-009ee0b8/active] Set call-leg property: Name ->
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_Asterisk_IN-009ee0b8/active] Set call-leg property: Network -> GW_Asterisk
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_Asterisk_IN-009ee0b8/active] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x009ee4e0
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_Asterisk_IN-009ee0b8/active] Set call-leg property: State -> TRYING
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_Asterisk_IN-009ee0b8/active] Set call-leg property: Supported Codecs -> Voice: G.729A[20/20], G.711 A-law[20/20], G.711 u-law[20/20]
16:19:02  CC    > [Call 009db300] Set call property: Hops -> 0x0000000f
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_ISDN0-009db410/active] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> true
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> true
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Quality-Of-Service -> MOS 4.50, DS0
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/incoming] Set call-leg property: Allows Push-Back -> false
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Network -> router
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Call-Leg-ID -> 0x009e5118
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> true
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Quality-Of-Service -> MOS 4.50, DS0
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/incoming] Set call-leg property: Supported Codecs -> Voice: G.729A[20/20], G.711 A-law[20/20], G.711 u-law[20/20]
16:19:02  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/incoming] Set call-leg property: Supported Codecs -> Voice: G.729A[20/20], G.711 A-law[20/20], G.711 u-law[20/20]
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_Asterisk_IN-009ee0b8/active] Drop call 00f5aee8
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_Asterisk_IN-009ee0b8/active] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Invalid number format (484)
16:19:02  CC    > [EP IF_SIP_Asterisk_IN-009ee0b8/active] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030] Hunting succeeded but destination dropped call: Invalid number format
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/outgoing] Drop call 00f5aee8
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> false
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/outgoing] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/incoming] Drop call 00f58898
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/incoming] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Invalid number format
16:19:02  CC    > [EP HG_1-00df3030/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED
16:19:03  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/incoming] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Invalid number format
16:19:03  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/incoming] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED
16:19:03  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/outgoing] Drop call 00f58898
16:19:03  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> false
16:19:03  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/outgoing] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing
16:19:03  CC    > [EP router-009ec880/outgoing] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED
16:19:03  CC    > [EP IF_ISDN0-009db410/active] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Invalid number format
16:19:03  CC    > [EP IF_ISDN0-009db410/active] Set call-leg property: Cause -> Normal call clearing
16:19:03  CC    > [EP IF_ISDN0-009db410/active] Drop call 009db300
16:19:03  CC    > [EP IF_ISDN0-009db410/active] Set call-leg property: Provides Data -> false
16:19:03  CC    > [EP IF_ISDN0-009db410/active] Set call-leg property: State -> RELEASED

Da in meinem ersten Post die Config einige Fehler hatte, gibt's hier nochmal die aktuelle Config der SN4638:
#                                                                #
# SN4638/5BIS                                                    #
# R5.2 2009-01-14 H323 SIP BRI                                   #
# 2009-12-19T16:16:19                                            #
# SN/00A0BA04E88D                                                #
# Generated configuration file                                   #
#                                                                #

cli version 3.20
administrator administrator password Yag06SBBnYrCR0XnHV54bA== encrypted
administrator root password Yag06SBBnYrCR0XnHV54bA== encrypted terminal-type ssh telnet
clock local offset +01:00
dns-client server
webserver port 80 language en
sntp-client server primary port 123 version 4
sntp-client poll-interval 1800
system hostname JKQ70


  ic voice 0
    low-bitrate-codec g729

  clock-source 1 bri 0 0
  clock-source 2 bri 0 1
  clock-source 3 bri 0 2
  clock-source 4 bri 0 3
  clock-source 5 bri 0 4

profile ppp default

profile tone-set default

profile voip default
  codec 1 g729 rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  codec 2 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  codec 3 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  rtp traffic-class local-default

profile pstn default

profile sip default

profile aaa default
  method 1 local
  method 2 none

context ip router

  interface IF_JKQ_LAN

  interface LAN

context ip router
  route 0

context cs switch
  digit-collection timeout 2
  national-prefix 0
  international-prefix 00

  routing-table called-e164 from_AMT
    route T2 dest-service HG_1
    route 0 dest-service HG_1

  routing-table called-e164 from_PBX
    route .T3 dest-service HG_2

  interface isdn IF_ISDN0
    route call dest-table from_AMT

  interface isdn IF_ISDN1
    route call dest-table from_AMT

  interface isdn IF_ISDN2
    route call dest-table from_PBX

  interface isdn IF_ISDN3
    route call dest-table from_PBX

  interface sip IF_SIP_Asterisk_IN
    bind context sip-gateway GW_Asterisk0
    route call dest-service HG_to_AMT
    remote 5060
    local 5060

  interface sip IF_SIP_Asterisk_OUT
    bind context sip-gateway GW_Asterisk1
    route call dest-service HG_to_PBX
    remote 5062
    local 5062

  service hunt-group HG_1
    timeout 2
    drop-cause normal-unspecified
    drop-cause no-circuit-channel-available
    drop-cause network-out-of-order
    drop-cause temporary-failure
    drop-cause switching-equipment-congestion
    drop-cause access-info-discarded
    drop-cause circuit-channel-not-available
    drop-cause resources-unavailable
    unavailable drop transparent
    route call 1 dest-interface IF_SIP_Asterisk_IN
    route call 2 dest-interface IF_ISDN2
    route call 3 dest-interface IF_ISDN3

  service hunt-group HG_2
    timeout 2
    drop-cause normal-unspecified
    drop-cause no-circuit-channel-available
    drop-cause network-out-of-order
    drop-cause temporary-failure
    drop-cause switching-equipment-congestion
    drop-cause access-info-discarded
    drop-cause circuit-channel-not-available
    drop-cause resources-unavailable
    unavailable drop transparent
    route call 1 dest-interface IF_SIP_Asterisk_OUT
    route call 2 dest-interface IF_ISDN0
    route call 3 dest-interface IF_ISDN1

  service hunt-group HG_to_AMT
    drop-cause normal-unspecified
    drop-cause no-circuit-channel-available
    drop-cause network-out-of-order
    drop-cause temporary-failure
    drop-cause switching-equipment-congestion
    drop-cause access-info-discarded
    drop-cause circuit-channel-not-available
    drop-cause resources-unavailable
    unavailable drop transparent
    route call 1 dest-interface IF_ISDN0
    route call 2 dest-interface IF_ISDN1

  service hunt-group HG_to_PBX
    drop-cause normal-unspecified
    drop-cause no-circuit-channel-available
    drop-cause network-out-of-order
    drop-cause temporary-failure
    drop-cause switching-equipment-congestion
    drop-cause access-info-discarded
    drop-cause circuit-channel-not-available
    drop-cause resources-unavailable
    unavailable drop transparent
    route call 1 dest-interface IF_ISDN2
    route call 2 dest-interface IF_ISDN3

context cs switch
  no shutdown

context sip-gateway GW_Asterisk0

  interface SIP1
    bind interface IF_JKQ_LAN context router port 5060

context sip-gateway GW_Asterisk0
  no shutdown

context sip-gateway GW_Asterisk1

  interface SIP1
    bind interface IF_JKQ_LAN context router port 5062

context sip-gateway GW_Asterisk1
  no shutdown

port ethernet 0 0
  medium auto
  encapsulation ip
  bind interface IF_JKQ_LAN router
  no shutdown

port ethernet 0 1
  medium auto
  encapsulation ip
  bind interface LAN router
  no shutdown

port bri 0 0
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    protocol pp
    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side user
      bchan-number-order ascending
      encapsulation cc-isdn
      bind interface IF_ISDN0 switch

port bri 0 0
  no shutdown

port bri 0 1
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    protocol pp
    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side user
      bchan-number-order ascending
      encapsulation cc-isdn
      bind interface IF_ISDN1 switch

port bri 0 1
  no shutdown

port bri 0 2
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    protocol pp
    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side net
      bchan-number-order ascending
      encapsulation cc-isdn
      bind interface IF_ISDN2 switch

port bri 0 2
  no shutdown

port bri 0 3
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    protocol pp
    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side net
      bchan-number-order ascending
      encapsulation cc-isdn
      bind interface IF_ISDN3 switch

port bri 0 3
  no shutdown

port bri 0 4
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    protocol pp
    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side net
      bchan-number-order ascending
      encapsulation cc-isdn

port bri 0 4

Und vom Asterisk:

port = 5060
bindaddr =
context = jk

type = friend
host =
port = 5060
context = gw_patton_pbx

type = friend
host =
port = 5062
context = gw_patton_amt




; Anrufliste => Variablen
exten => _X.|0|s,1,Set(VON=${CALLERID(num)})
exten => _X.|0|s,2,Set(NACH=${EXTEN})

; Faxe empfangen
exten => _10,1,Goto(10,FAX)

; Anrufliste => RINGING
exten => _X.|0|s,3,TrySystem(php5 /var/www/asterisk_services/calllog.php ${UNIQUEID} ${VON} ${NACH} RINGING IN)

; Alle anderen Numern zur Patton weiterleiten
exten => _X.|0|s,4,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@,${KLINGELZEIT})

; Mailbox nach Klingelzeit..
exten => _X.|0|s,5,Goto(1000,1)

; Anrufliste => Hangup
exten => _h,1,TrySystem(php5 /var/www/asterisk_services/calllog.php ${UNIQUEID} ${VON} ${NACH} ${DIALSTATUS} IN $[${DIALEDTIME}-${ANSWEREDTIME}] ${ANSWEREDTIME})

exten => _10,2(FAX),Answer()
exten => _10,3,Set(VON=${CALLERID(num)})
exten => _10,4,Set(NACH=${EXTEN})
exten => _10,5,Dial(IAX2/iaxmodem,10,Fg)
exten => _10,6,Set(DIALSTATUS=FAX)

; Mailbox
exten => 1000,1,Set(ANSWEREDTIME=0)
; Wir haben montags-freitags von 8 bis 17 Uhr geoeffnet:
; alle mitarbeiter im gespraech
exten => 1000,n,ExecIfTime(08:00-16:59,mon-fri,*,*?VoiceMail(1000,b))		
; ausserhalb der oeffnungszeiten
exten => 1000,n,VoiceMail(1000,u)          					                
exten => 1000,n,Hangup()

; Mailbox Konfigurieren
;exten => 1001,1,VoiceMailMain(1000)

; Anrufliste => Variablen
exten => _X.,1,Set(VON=${CALLERID(num)})
exten => _X.,2,Set(NACH=${EXTEN})

; Anrufliste => RINGING
exten => _X.,3,TrySystem(php5 /var/www/asterisk_services/calllog.php ${UNIQUEID} ${VON} ${NACH} RINGING OUT)

; Alle anderen Numern zur Patton weiterleiten
exten => _X.,4,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@,${KLINGELZEIT})

; Anrufliste => Hangup
exten => _h,1,TrySystem(php5 /var/www/asterisk_services/calllog.php ${UNIQUEID} ${VON} ${NACH} ${DIALSTATUS} OUT $[${DIALEDTIME}-${ANSWEREDTIME}] ${ANSWEREDTIME})

; Mailbox Konfigurieren
exten => 1001,1,VoiceMailMain(1000)

Über eine Antwort würde ich mich riesig freuen!
Vielen Dank!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

was genau erreicht man denn mit:

exten => _X.|0|s,

Habe das Pipe-Zeichen als extension-pattern noch nicht gesehen...
Aber das muss auch nichts heißen.

Funktionieren auch andere Durchwahlen als die "10" und die "1000"?

Kommt denn etwas an, wenn du nur z.B. "exten => _X.,1,NOOP(IRGENDWAS)" schreibst?


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