- Mitglied seit
- 3 Mai 2006
- Beiträge
- 11
- Punkte für Reaktionen
- 0
- Punkte
- 0
Ich habe jetzt folgende Kombination produktiv am laufen.
1.6 wegen Exchange 2010
die pattons wegen t38
Was fehlerfrei bei T38 funktioniert ist
SN4960 > Asterisk > SN 4112 beim Faxempfang
was nicht funktionieren möchte ist das Faxversenden
Der 4960 meldet dem 4112 das die RX Packets des T38 Streams ungültig sind, und dropt diese...
[Momentane Lösung]
SN4112 > SN4960
Wenn man den Asterisk aus der Kette rausnimmt geht das anstandslos.
Woran liegt das?
Irgendwelche Ideen?
1.6 wegen Exchange 2010
die pattons wegen t38
Was fehlerfrei bei T38 funktioniert ist
SN4960 > Asterisk > SN 4112 beim Faxempfang
was nicht funktionieren möchte ist das Faxversenden
Der 4960 meldet dem 4112 das die RX Packets des T38 Streams ungültig sind, und dropt diese...
[Momentane Lösung]
SN4112 > SN4960
Wenn man den Asterisk aus der Kette rausnimmt geht das anstandslos.
Woran liegt das?
Irgendwelche Ideen?
# #
# SN4960/1E15V #
# R5.5 2010-01-15 H323 RBS SIP #
# 2010-03-29T20:09:01 #
# SN/00A0BA05487E #
# Generated configuration file #
# #
cli version 3.20
clock local default-offset +00:00
dns-client server
webserver port 80 language en
sntp-client server primary port 123 version 4
system hostname patton.work.local
ic voice 0
clock-source 1 e1t1 0 0
profile r2 default
profile napt NAPT_WAN
profile ppp default
profile tone-set default
profile voip default
codec 1 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
codec 2 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
fax transmission 1 relay t38-udp
fax transmission 2 bypass g711alaw64k
fax detection fax-frames
profile pstn default
profile sip default
profile dhcp-server DHCPS_LAN
include 1
lease 2 hours
default-router 1
domain-name-server 1
profile aaa default
method 1 local
method 2 none
context ip router
interface WAN
ipaddress dhcp
use profile napt NAPT_WAN
tcp adjust-mss rx mtu
tcp adjust-mss tx mtu
interface LAN
tcp adjust-mss rx mtu
tcp adjust-mss tx mtu
context ip router
dhcp-server use profile DHCPS_LAN
route 0
context cs switch
routing-table called-e164 PSTN_TO_SIP
route .%T dest-interface IF_SIP no_dw
routing-table called-e164 SIP_TO_PSTN
route default dest-service OUTBOUND
mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 no_dw
map $ to 12
interface isdn E1
route call dest-table PSTN_TO_SIP
interface sip IF_SIP
bind context sip-gateway sip
route call dest-table SIP_TO_PSTN
remote asterisk.work.local
service hunt-group OUTBOUND
drop-cause normal-unspecified
drop-cause no-circuit-channel-available
drop-cause network-out-of-order
drop-cause temporary-failure
drop-cause switching-equipment-congestion
drop-cause access-info-discarded
drop-cause circuit-channel-not-available
drop-cause resources-unavailable
route call 1 dest-interface E1
context cs switch
no shutdown
location-service asterisk
domain 1 asterisk.work.local 5060
context sip-gateway sip
interface sip
bind interface LAN context router port 5060
context sip-gateway sip
bind location-service asterisk
no shutdown
port ethernet 0 0
medium auto
encapsulation ip
no shutdown
port ethernet 0 1
medium auto
encapsulation ip
bind interface LAN router
no shutdown
port e1t1 0 0
port-type e1
clock slave
framing crc4
encapsulation q921
uni-side user
encapsulation q931
protocol dss1
uni-side user
bchan-number-order ascending
encapsulation cc-isdn
bind interface E1 switch
port e1t1 0 0
no shutdown
# #
# SN4112/JS/EUI #
# R5.5 2010-01-15 H323 SIP FXS FXO #
# 2010-03-29T20:09:44 #
# SN/00A0BA05276E #
# Generated configuration file #
# #
cli version 3.20
clock local default-offset +00:00
webserver port 80 language en
sntp-client server primary port 123 version 4
ic voice 0
low-bitrate-codec g729
profile service-policy test
no rate-limit
set ip dscp 46
profile ppp default
profile call-progress-tone defaultDialtone
play 1 1000 440 0
profile call-progress-tone defaultAlertingtone
play 1 1500 440 -7
pause 2 3500
profile call-progress-tone defaultBusytone
play 1 500 440 -7
pause 2 500
profile tone-set default
profile voip default
codec 1 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20 no-silence-suppression
fax transmission 1 relay t38-udp
fax transmission 2 bypass g711alaw64k
fax detection fax-frames
profile pstn default
profile ringing-cadence default
play 1 1000
pause 2 4000
profile sip default
no autonomous-transitioning
profile aaa default
method 1 local
method 2 none
context ip router
interface eth0
ipaddress dhcp
use profile service-policy test in
use profile service-policy test out
tcp adjust-mss rx mtu
tcp adjust-mss tx mtu
context cs switch
digit-collection timeout 2
address-completion timeout 4
national-prefix 0
international-prefix 00
routing-table called-e164 fax_to_sip
route .T dest-interface if_sip
routing-table called-e164 sip_to_fax
route .T dest-interface FAX
interface sip if_sip
bind context sip-gateway sip
route call dest-interface FAX
interface fxs FAX
route call dest-table fax_to_sip
context cs switch
no shutdown
authentication-service user24
realm 1 asterisk
username user24 password /GI3OoxG9/w= encrypted
location-service asterisk
domain 1 asterisk.work.local 5060
identity user24
display-name 24
authentication outbound
authenticate 1 authentication-service user24 username user24
registration outbound
registrar asterisk.work.local 5060
lifetime 3600
register auto
retry-timeout on-system-error 10
retry-timeout on-client-error 10
retry-timeout on-server-error 10
context sip-gateway sip
interface lan
bind interface eth0 context router port 5060
context sip-gateway sip
bind location-service asterisk
no shutdown
port ethernet 0 0
medium auto
encapsulation ip
bind interface eth0 router
no shutdown
port fxs 0 0
encapsulation cc-fxs
bind interface FAX switch
no shutdown
port fxs 0 1