T-Com Sinus 1024 as Repeater for speedport W721V


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6 Mrz 2009
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Hello Guys,

First of all, sorry in writing in English, as my German is very bad. :p

I've got a new VDSL router W721V and i am not getting the WLAN signal to my room, the signal is very weak.

I would like to use my old sinus 1054 as repeater :

721 <-> WLAN <-> 1054 <-> Notebook

I have seen many threads on this forum, but mostly to 1054 to Fritzbox, but not with speedport.

It would be really great, if any of you, give some simple steps to configure the 1024 as repeater.

One more question, even the 1024 acting as repeater, can i still use, the 721 to connect via WLAN for other devices such as Ipod touch etc..

Thanks in Advance.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
OK I've done it, it is very easy.

1. Reset the 1054 and choose a new system password.

2. For 1054, Change the IP in the Gateway to different subnet ( need to make sure , it is different from the 721), e.g . Disable the DHCP & DNS ( not necessary but recommended )

3. Make NAT - OFF for 1054

4. Firewall - OFF for 1054

5. Maintain the same WLAN [ Chanel (Kanal) and Transfer mode (Übertragungsmodus) ] for both 1054 & 721

6. On 1054 Enable the Repeater and choose the 721 as provider ( 721's MAC address will visible here and activate it)

7. On 721 enable Repeater and provide the MAC address of 1054

8. Connect the Ethernet cable into the 1054's LAN slot ( move the router to any of the rooms, where the WLAN signal is weak)

9. Connect the other end of the cable to your notebook.

10. That's it, your notebook will be connected to 721 via 1054, and Internet will be there.

721 <----WLAN----> 1054 <------LAN------> Notebook

721 can still be usable for WLAN and LAN purposes, no difference.

11. Only flaw i see, the 1054 WLAN still transmits signal ( though no Internet is provided from it's WLAN), but i cannot set the WPA or WEP on the WLAN's 1054. I need to look into this.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
OK now it also works:

721 <----WLAN----> 1054 <------LAN/WLAN------> Notebook

To make it work, set a WEP password on 1054 ( 128 is bit better), it will generated a 13 digit hex.

Copy the same hex to 721 under Repeater WEP password and save it.

Thats it 1054 is ready to be used for both WLAN & LAN and it is secured.

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