Unify OSBv2 - Hinzufügen von CP200 zu einem bestehenden System


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11 Mai 2022
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Good morning,
I have a Unify Openscape Business V2 WBM server with 16 CP400 handsets.
I bought a new CP200 handset to add and I need to change extension 217 from a CP400 to the CP200 and then make extension 214 of the CP400.

I've spoken to our phone support company who say they have to come out to provision the CP200 for our system as it can't be done remotely - but I'm here and very capable of doing it.

I've looked at the WBM panel and the actual handsets but can't see how to add new handsets.

I checked the license page and we have 17 licenses, one of which is unassigned.

How can I add the new cp200 handset to the system?

Our Unify system runs on 172.30.1.* - the handset at the moment just says telephony is down so I assume it just needs to be configured?

thanks in advance
Good morning!
Go to to Exterpert mode-Telephony Server-Station-Station-IP Client
Here you can change the type to "system client" search a free entry and change.
Or you have also a free field of type "System ClienT"
Tpye Callno an DID and the name in. Apply! So you have a new HFW-Client!
License it!
Now my best way for new phones make a factory reset of it (keys 2+8+9+)
After boot change the "Deployment Adress" to the OSBiz-IP.
When Phone is in PBX-Network, the Phone show after 20-30 sek a quetstion.
"Missing Item"
Now you type on the phone the "new" Number (youre Callno)
Wait. The Phone will upgrade to the HFA-Firmware and finally boot with fully funtcion!!!
Goog Look!
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