VAD/CNG (de)aktivieren?


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12 Okt 2004
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Hab mal ne Frage, wenn ich über den asterisk ins PSTN telefonieren, dann habe ich am IP-Phone während den Gesprächspausen immer absolut Stille, während am anderen Ende alles bestens ist.
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit diese Stille zu deaktivieren?
Wenn ich über sipgate oder sipsnip telefonieren, habe ích dieses Problem nicht. Die Stille tritt bei allem Codecs auf.
Kannst mal genauer sagen, was genau du verwendest:
- welches IP Phone mit welchem protokoll (SIP/IAX/???) und
- wie Du die connection ins PSTN Netz machst (zaphfc, ???)

voraussichtlich hast du in der config deines ip phones "silence suppression" aufgedreht!

Moin, mein Phone ist das Grandstream GXP-2000. Im Phone ist Silence Suppression deaktiviert. Nutze ich sipgate oder sipsnip tritt die Stille nicht auf.
Calls werden vom asterisk via iax an Voipjet übergeben und dann ins PSTN geroutet.
Ich würde mal eine email an John von VoipJet schreiben, der kennt sich da ziemlich gut mit aus!

Ich denke mal, dass das eine one-man-show ist, da auf sämtliche emailadressen immer nur <name entfernt> antwortet und unter seinem namen "President & CEO" steht, aber das nur als info, hier ist eine der email adressen: [email protected]

bis jetzt habe ich noch keine antwort erhalten. aber es muss doch möglich sein, diese stille abzustellen, oder?
Ich denke mal, dass es in der IAX config liegt, kannst mal Deine IAX.CONF posten?
; Inter-Asterisk eXchange driver definition
; General settings, like port number to bind to, and
; an option address (the default is to bind to all
; local addresses).
; Set iaxcompat to yes if you plan to use layered
; switches. It incurs a small performance hit to enable it
; For increased security against brute force password attacks
; enable "delayreject" which will delay the sending of authentication
; reject for REGREQ or AUTHREP if there is a password.
; You may specify a global default AMA flag for iaxtel calls. It must be
; one of 'default', 'omit', 'billing', or 'documentation'. These flags
; are used in the generation of call detail records.
; You may specify a default account for Call Detail Records in addition
; to specifying on a per-user basis
; You may specify a global default language for users.
; Can be specified also on a per-user basis
; If omitted, will fallback to english
; Specify bandwidth of low, medium, or high to control which codecs are used
; in general.
; You can also fine tune codecs here using "allow" and "disallow" clauses
; with specific codecs. Use "all" to represent all formats.
;allow=all ; same as bandwidth=high
;disallow=g723.1 ; Hm... Proprietary, don't use it...
,disallow=lpc10 ; Icky sound quality... Mr. Roboto.
;allow=gsm ; Always allow GSM, it's cool :)

disallow=all ; Prevent all codecs...
;allow = ulaw ; ...except G.711 ulaw
;allow = g729
;allow = gsm
allow = ilbc

; You can adjust several parameters relating to the jitter buffer.
; The jitter buffer's function is to compensate for varying
; network delay.
; All the jitter buffer settings except dropcount are in milliseconds.
; The jitter buffer works for INCOMING audio - the outbound audio
; will be dejittered by the jitter buffer at the other end.
; jitterbuffer=yes|no: global default as to whether you want
; the jitter buffer at all.
; dropcount: the jitter buffer is sized such that no more than "dropcount"
; frames would have been "too late" over the last 2 seconds.
; Set to a small number. "3" represents 1.5% of frames dropped
; maxjitterbuffer: a maximum size for the jitter buffer.
; Setting a reasonable maximum here will prevent the call delay
; from rising to silly values in extreme situations; you'll hear
; SOMETHING, even though it will be jittery.
; maxexcessbuffer: If conditions improve after a period of high jitter,
; the jitter buffer can end up bigger than necessary. If it ends up
; more than "maxexcessbuffer" bigger than needed, Asterisk will start
; gradually decreasing the amount of jitter buffering.
; minexcessbuffer: Sets a desired mimimum amount of headroom in
; the jitter buffer. If Asterisk has less headroom than this, then
; it will start gradually increasing the amount of jitter buffering.
; jittershrinkrate: when the jitter buffer is being gradually shrunk
; (or enlarged), how many millisecs shall we take off per 20ms frame
; received? Use a small number, or you will be able to hear it
; changing. An example: if you set this to 2, then the jitter buffer
; size will change by 100 millisecs per second.


;trunkfreq=20 ; How frequently to send trunk msgs (in ms)
; We can register with another IAX server to let him know where we are
; in case we have a dynamic IP address for example
; Register with tormenta using username marko and password secretpass
;register => marko:[email protected]
; Register joe at remote host with no password
;register => joe@remotehost:5656
; Register marko at using RSA key "torkey"
;register => marko:[torkey]
; Sample Registration for iaxtel
; Visit to register with iaxtel. Replace "user"
; and "pass" with your username and password for iaxtel. Incoming
; calls arrive at the "s" extension of "default" context.
;register => user:p[email protected]
; Sample Registration for IAX + FWD
; To register using IAX with FWD, it must be enabled by visiting the URL
; Note that you need an extension in you default context which matches
; your free world dialup number. Please replace "FWDNumber" with your
; FWD number and "passwd" with your password.
;register => FWDNumber:p[email protected]
; You can disable authentication debugging to reduce the amount of
; debugging traffic.
; Finally, you can set values for your TOS bits to help improve
; performance. Valid values are:
; lowdelay -- Minimize delay
; throughput -- Maximize throughput
; reliability -- Maximize reliability
; mincost -- Minimize cost
; none -- No flags
; If mailboxdetail is set to "yes", the user receives
; the actual new/old message counts, not just a yes/no
; as to whether they have messages. this can be set on
; a per-peer basis as well
; If regcontext is specified, Asterisk will dynamically
; create and destroy a NoOp priority 1 extension for a given
; peer who registers or unregisters with us. The actual extension
; is the 'regexten' parameter of the registering peer or its
; name if 'regexten' is not provided. More than one regexten may be supplied
; if they are separated by '&'. Patterns may be used in regexten.
; Guest sections for unauthenticated connection attempts. Just
; specify an empty secret, or provide no secret section.

. Hab hier ein bissl Müll rausgelöscht.

host= x.x.x.x
secret= x
ok, 2 Anregungen:

1. schalt mal den Jitterbuffer aus:

aber eigentlich denke ich, es liegt am Codec, deswegen:

; allow=ilbc

braucht zwar mehr Bandbreite, aber 64kBit ist ja ncht die Welt.

Sag, was sich durch diese Änderung getan hat!

Leider kein Unterschied. Codecs hatte schon gewechselt. aber auch mit jitterbuffer=no kein Unterschied.
ok, weiter...
Welche Firmware hat Dein Grandstream?

bei meinem BT101 find ich sie am anfang der config-webseite.
Product Model: GXP2000
Software Version: Program-- Bootloader--

im Prinzip aktuell
anzumerken zu diesem Problem wäre da noch ein Auszug aus der Asterisk WIKI Seite über Silence Suppression:

Whether to use Silence Suppression is usually a configuration option on endpoints.
Ich knall die morgen drauf. danke für den tip.

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