verkaufe ein cisco adsl vpn router...
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Cisco IOS Software, C870 Software (C870-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.3(8)YI2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Synched to technology version 12.3(10.3)T2
Technical Support:http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2005 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Tue 14-Jun-05 18:58 by ealyon
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.3(8r)YI4, RELEASE SOFTWARE
ROM: Cisco IOS Software, C870 Software (C870-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.3(8)YI2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
System returned to ROM by reload
System image file is "flash:c870-advipservicesk9-mz.123-8.YI2.bin"
Last reload reason: Reload command
Cisco 876 (MPC8272) processor (revision 0x300) with 118784K/12288K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FCZ1313xxxx
MPC8272 CPU Rev: Part Number 0xC, Mask Number 0x10
4 FastEthernet interfaces
1 ISDN Basic Rate interface
1 ATM interface
128K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
24576K bytes of processor board System flash (Intel Strataflash)
Configuration register is 0x2102
Router ist neu und 1x Getestet.
verkaufe ein cisco adsl vpn router...
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Cisco IOS Software, C870 Software (C870-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.3(8)YI2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Synched to technology version 12.3(10.3)T2
Technical Support:http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2005 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Tue 14-Jun-05 18:58 by ealyon
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.3(8r)YI4, RELEASE SOFTWARE
ROM: Cisco IOS Software, C870 Software (C870-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.3(8)YI2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
System returned to ROM by reload
System image file is "flash:c870-advipservicesk9-mz.123-8.YI2.bin"
Last reload reason: Reload command
Cisco 876 (MPC8272) processor (revision 0x300) with 118784K/12288K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FCZ1313xxxx
MPC8272 CPU Rev: Part Number 0xC, Mask Number 0x10
4 FastEthernet interfaces
1 ISDN Basic Rate interface
1 ATM interface
128K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
24576K bytes of processor board System flash (Intel Strataflash)
Configuration register is 0x2102
Router ist neu und 1x Getestet.
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