[Problem] VPN L2TP/PPTP with AVM Fritzbox 7390


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14 Okt 2011
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Hi all, sorry for writing this in english, my German isnt very good.

It's been a long time I've been trying connect to my VPN in the US (StrongVPN) with my Fritzbox 7390. I have a L2TP/PPTP VPN not a OpenVPN.

I have already tired making the vpn.cfg file and uploaded it to my Fritzbox and the upload worked, but no connection possible.

Can somebody please help me on this? If possible make a cfg for me or tell me what to put where in it?

If someone can, here are the names you can replace the config file with:

Host: vpn-in35.reliablehosting.com
Username: vpn384
Password: *****
Secret: "secret"

Thank you so much! :D

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