wlan: dies every day


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7 Mai 2008
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My Wireless connection drops one time a day.... To recovery i have to turm off and off the wireless!!
My fritz is a 7270 with firmware 4.70.
Any ideia?
Best regards
Always at the same time? What are the circumstances in detail? How many clients are logged on at the time of drop?
Please provide a more detailled account, as our crystal balls start running hot with the attempt to fathom your problem.

Sorry... you have reason....
More details:
- Just two client (sometimes one) is connected to the Fritz!box
- One is a Fonera running DD-WRT V24SP5 and the other is a laptop running Win XP SP3
- The encryptation is WEP 128Bits
- There is no right hour to the drop (is random)
- The wireless connection still alive, however no communication with any device in the netweork
- The drop circustances i cannot determine, since it is random
- Just turn off and on the Wlan and all ok again!
- Fritz!Box 7270 (16Mb) running 4.70 original firmware

Thanks in advance
Is it that the client does not see the WLAN network anymore or is it that the WLAN network is shut down?
Does the FB indicate the WLAN being active, e.g. WLAN light on?
Does the same happen with WPA2?
Can you reestablish the connection by booting the client without interference with the 7270, e.g. is the fault possibly on the client site?

Thanks for the replies...
The WLAN in fritz still on (Light on, and on in web interface)
The clients still see the FB wireless, however i cannot communicate!!
The wireless still connected, however no communication is possible.
Just a reboot on the wlan of the FB solve the problem... Rebooting the client do not take effect!

I cannot try with WPA2 since the client do not support it.
Best regards
I cannot use WPA nor WPA2...
I just can use WEP or no encryptation... Since the client do not support it. :(
Best regards
I cannot use WPA nor WPA2...[.....]
Never mind.
But you have enabled the "n" Mode in the WLAN ?
Your Problem still persists, even when disabling the "draft n" mode in WLAN Settings?
Best: Try to make a screenshot of your current WLAN Settings!

greets effmue
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I guess now is ok.
Please try again.
Thank you.
Best regards
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