New function in 7170 (04.76): SIP Proxy... but how to use?


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3 Mai 2007
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I've been firmwares for my new 7170, and found that in the changes in 58.04.76 there is a new feature:
- Telephony: SIP-proxy added (IP-telephones can now directly connect to the FRITZ!Box)

but how does it work? i tried configuring XLite to connect to my fritz ip address, fritz in both username and password, and it seems to register, but i don't get calls and can't do calls from it.

i'd like it much to be able to access my fritz from a remote softphone... configuring asterisk to do the same thing is soo complicated...

i tried checking google for info, but i did not find anything....
Thanks !!! that's what i was looking for !!!!!!
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