What is my sip address on VOIPbuster?

Edward Velo

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Mitglied seit
31 Mai 2006
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I have setup a VOIPbuster SIP account in my Fritz!box, and I was wondering now if I have a SIP address, and if I do, what is it? (so: how can people can me from SIP to SIP, I mean)

It's not my [email protected] ...

Thanks for your help, and sorry if this has been asked before - but my German is not good at all :-(
Are you sure it works? I've tried some weeks ago without success. I suppose it only works with voipbuster client.

I recently tried to call from a third party softphone to my Fritz!Box and it worked (SIPdiscount to Poivy). I just tried it again and it did not work. :-(

In the voipbuster forum there are also some reports that it doesn't work properly. Seems to be in beta stage.

BTW: According to voipbuster [noparse][email protected][/noparse] should work as well.
In contrast to the situation only a few weeks ago, now all the Betamax domains have SRV records, i.e., it is sufficient to use @voipbuster.com instead of @sip.voipbuster.com in SIP-URIs as this will get mapped to sip1server1..6.voipbuster.com.

As all SIP servers for the Betamax family are now the same, it should consistently work or not work.

Betamax providers do not allow external, public calls to their SIP-URIs. I don't know if they still support that among different providers from the family.

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