
  1. lewiatanx

    FBF 7170 GMX boot problem

    EVA bootloader Hi, problem still in progress..... Version of my bootloader is EVA 1.136, maybe is too old ? How to change bootloader from 1.136 to 1.153 ??? and where's download ? My box working only with firmware 29.04.01 (2.4 kernel) :confused::confused::confused:
  2. lewiatanx

    FBF 7170 GMX boot problem

    I've got FBF 7170 V1 GMX 1&1 Annex B unbranded to AVM. I can't update firmware other then 29.04.01. If firmware is 29.04.01 then all is o.k. but when I update firmware to other new, my box say: Kernel panic - not syncing: No answer on upper layer Control channel! UBIK2 probably dead...
  3. lewiatanx

    How to apply ds_mod to 14.04.20?

    HI! ds0.2.9 work on 7050 Annex A International OK!!! Some corrections and it working well !!! :) :) :)
  4. lewiatanx

    New FW Versions

    New CVS version does work ok with 7050 14.04.20. You may compile CVS source with "ANT" and run with some Java runtime eg. or 1.6.
  5. lewiatanx

    JFritz 0.6.1 veröffentlicht

    Hi, A new firmware for 7050 Annex A (14.04.20) English, not worked with last version JFritz :(( I'm waiting for new version........ Tomasz lewiatanx ---------------- JFritz ver.0.6.1 CVS v1.305 - display: "Could not detect firmware!" and next "Wrong Password!" - password is correct!!! :((
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