7340 vnstat fails to start


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24 Dez 2008
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On my 7340 vnstat fails to start and gives this error:

Starting vnstat ... failed.
Error: Downgrading database "/var/lib/vnstat/adsl" (v50331648) is not supported.
Is your USB-device yet available?

My USB-device is available and the "database directory" location in vnstat's settings is correct.

It's the database from my old 7170, do I have to remove it?
When you write that your usb device is available I assume you tried starting vnstat after booting has finished? Perhaps anyone who is familiar with vnstat can answer this question...

I would also try to start with a fresh database. If this doesn't solve the problem it should be no problem to switch back. Perhaps there is a mismatch because the system's endianess has changed!?

Yes, I tried to start vnstat several times after booting had finished. I started a fresh database and now it works. Though it's a shame the database from the 7170 doesn't seem to be compatible with the 7340, it's not a huge deal.
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