Dump firmware from SX541 (or other similar router)


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Mitglied seit
22 Okt 2006
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Hi guys,
recentely i've solved my issues with serialport on Pirelli NetGear (similar to SX541)..
i've read that some user have successfully dumped the firmware throught serial port..

anyone can explain me how to do?
in the topic "Hacking Siemens SX541" and Google, i've not found any util information..

thanks so much!
thanks for reply..
i know the start address (read by the command "Upload to Flash") and i also know the data lenght..
but when i use the command "Read from Memory", it ask me to select the byte size (4,2 or 1) and the Maxcount..

you can explain me what i've to use to dump all the flash?

thanks :)
[DSL Basic 3 Boot]:r

Enter the Start Address to Read....0xbfc00000
Data Length is (1) 4 Bytes (2) 2 Bytes (3) 1 Byte... [press key 1]
Enter the Count to Read....(Maximun 10000)1024

 Address   00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Thx Heini66 for the Qemu link :)
Works very well!
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