English firmware for german boxes

I am a little confused with the second step! How do I change this through telnet? I know how to telnet the box. Whats next?

And where do I get the downgrade2.tar? I have the last firmware and I need it.

Thank you!
babylonx schrieb:
I am a little confused with the second step! How do I change this through telnet?
Open a telnet window and enter:

echo "firmware_version avme" > /proc/avalanche/env

Keep the telnet window open and if something goes wrong (e.g. if the image is not accepted) change it back to:

echo "firmware_version avm" > /proc/avalanche/env

And where do I get the downgrade2.tar?
Thanks alot for your help but I still have problems:
Steps 1,2 done.

But when I try to upload the downgrade2.tar I receive an error that
"Die angegebene Datei enthält keine von AVM für dieses Gerät freigegebene Firmware." and I have 2 otpions:

1) Update abbrechen (empfohlen)
2) Update fortsetzen

I choose the second and then I take the error:
"Das Firmware-Update ist fehlgeschlagen:

Kein Fehler."

Do I upload the patched image at this point? Because I tried and it was rejected again.

Thank you!
Complete all steps, then enter 'cat /var/tmp/install_out.log' at the telnet prompt and copy-n-paste the output here.
There is no output at all. Is there any place I can download older German firmware? Because if I manage to downgrade then I know that the problem is with my patched image.

Thank you.
epias schrieb:
Complete all steps, then enter 'cat /var/tmp/install_out.log' at the telnet prompt and copy-n-paste the output here.
babylonx schrieb:
There is no output at all...
The reason of the error is stored at "/var/tmp/install_error.log". So, complete all steps, enter 'cat /var/tmp/install_error.log' at the telnet prompt and copy-n-paste this output here.

geonolis schrieb:
I have tried to apply the "haveaniceday" patch but it accepts only the 08.xx.xx, 11.xx.xx and 06.xx.xx images. I tried to rename my image as a 08.xx.xx image (the closest to 7050 I suppose) but it again failed:

Back online again...

I will have a look.
There are 2 issues. First "space" in names is easy to solve.
Second is a different format of the filesystem.
I will come back soon with a solution for 7050 annex bfirmware-avme-en-14.04.03-3499.image

Tar error message

Having found the 7050 english firmware I tried to modify it, without the HAND script, in order to install it in a german-speaking FritzBox. My idea was to untar the image, replace the "install" file at ./var in the any_english_firmware.image with an "install" file from a german_firmware.image of the closest version I could find and recreate the tar image file.
FritzBox kept rejecting the update with an error, no matter what alterations I had done to the tar image file (even just untar and tar the image). Accessing FritzBox with telnet and reading the log files at /var/tmp...
# cat update_error.log
tar: Unrecognised file type
# cat update_out.log
I have tried to create the tar file from cygwin and from Knoppix v.5 console (tar cvf patched.image ./var) with the same error. What am I doing wrong?

mashti schrieb:
Thanks Darbid for answer
I used this english firmware 11.04.01.It said on the first post of haveaniceday that it should work. I tried twice haveaniceday's hack but the firmware it created, didn't work on my fon ata 1020.

Is somebody resolved this problem?
Hi everyone, Im just about to take delivery of a Fritzbox WLAN 7170 (hopefully tomorrow) and I want everything to be in English.

Heres the scenario.

Im living in Germany so I dont have to mess arount changing settings for it to work with the phone system but I dont want the browser in German, I want it in English as my German is limited (im british).

What do I need to do? Do I require a different firmware, or is perhaps the 7170 already in English? (doubt it though by the sounds of things!).
I see your posts are 1.........that should not mean the number of posts you have read are also 1.

You want the 7170 in English......................Dream on when that happens AVM will be placed higher than Cisco Systems.

The way you get the 7170 to speak english is you go to www.leo.org and you type in every word you see on the screen when the 7170 is open. Write it down in english and then look at it next time you are on that page.

Seriously a translation of the German seems to be the only option unless they bring out an english version, which currently does not exist. An up to date 7050 which has been out for year in english also still is being worked on.
Actually I did read through the entire thread:p . Interesting read too I must say, but all of the articles related to either older AVM products or the 7050. My soon 2 be wife is actually german so the translation is no problem at all, but my German is sadly lacking at this point in time.

If I could get a full translation would it be possible that someone could compile a version in English?
tupo schrieb:
either older AVM products or the 7050.
That is correct the Fritzbox wlan phone (aka classic) can be converted to english because there is english firmware for the box. The Fritzbox Wlan 7050 also from AVM started with 2 different "languaged firmware" the english version has NEVER been updated and the German one has had probable 7 or 8 updates. (stepping down from my soapbox again). I am no expert but with every upgrade and with the 7170 it appears that making modifications seem harder. It seems as though instead of the programers thinking the modifications are a good idea and trying to implement them, they spend all of their time trying to hinder the modification of the firmware.
tupo schrieb:
My soon 2 be wife
Congratulations I will have to do that one day too.
tupo schrieb:
If I could get a full translation would it be possible that someone could compile a version in English?
That is a big job. I remember somebody talked about doing this. You would have to know alot about the software and linux to do it I would assume. Read through this thread as well.
Many thanks for your help, Ill have a read through there too. :)
EN for 7050


so what is the final result after all this trials. fritz.box_fon_wlan.en.08.04.01.image.4/var/tmp.filesystem.image ????:confused:
and shoude I load is like it is or rename for something else. To be onest I'm not familiar with all what you are writing about but cold be nice on the end have a 7050 "speeking" EN.

best regards B12m
New for this type of arguments and hope only in english or italian

This my problem: I bought a fritz fon box wlan red color annex B with firmware ver. 08.04.01 ( FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 1 / 1 2x analog 20001666 ) on ebay and the web interface is in german. Yesterday I trasformed in annex A with the script that I found on the site and everything runned ok, since in the night I found the line down and could't align the line. So I was really nervous and almost have a a breakdown. So I thought to turn averything back:
1. turned back to annex B;
2. done a firmware upgrade with ver. 08.04.15 from the avm site (german - I saw many more pages in the web interface but I could not understand the meaning becouse all in German);
3. back again in annex A.
Now is almost 15 hours and everything works ok.
My question is: is it possible to upgrade this fritz from german language to english?
please for everybody to be much clear possible and hope someone could help me in Italian.
Thanks a lot
B12m schrieb:
so what is the final result after all this trials. fritz.box_fon_wlan.en.08.04.01.image.4/var/tmp.filesystem.image ????:confused:
and shoude I load is like it is or rename for something else. To be onest I'm not familiar with all what you are writing about but cold be nice on the end have a 7050 "speeking" EN.
best regards B12m

If you have a 7050 then what you are talking about in the first part of your post will not work on your box. Currently there is no simply way to get your Fritzbox 7050 to speak english. Please make sure you write to AVM complaining of the lack of english support.
killbill831 schrieb:
Now is almost 15 hours and everything works ok.
My question is: is it possible to upgrade this fritz from german language to english?
please for everybody to be much clear possible and hope someone could help me in Italian.
Thanks a lot
You should check the quality of your internet signal. This maybe the reason why it takes so long for the box to syncronise.
The answer to your question is yes. You must remember that you can only get the box to speak english with an english firmare version. For the fritzbox phone there is 2 latest versions Annex A And Annex B. These were for ADSL2+ I think.

Do you have ADSL2+
darbid schrieb:
You should check the quality of your internet signal. This maybe the reason why it takes so long for the box to syncronise.
The answer to your question is yes. You must remember that you can only get the box to speak english with an english firmare version. For the fritzbox phone there is 2 latest versions Annex A And Annex B. These were for ADSL2+ I think.

Do you have ADSL2+

non is not an adsl+ 1280/256 but I think for me now it is enough. Some links and help for changingthe firmware?
Last question are you sure that I can do this change in english?
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