Fax via VOIP mit 3370

Deswegen habe ich es auch ausgeschalten in der voip.cfg.
Faxe ich an unser IP-Telefon, dann hört man nur einen regelmässigen kurzen "Piep" der alle 4 Sekunden kommt.
Genau das gleiche passiert auch bei mir. Aber mein Fritzfax funktioniert. :) Wie lange hast du es piepen lassen? Länger als 90 Sekunden?
Sorry, meine Aussage ist natürlich Unsinn.
Das Faxrauschen kann ja nur kommen, wenn das Fax den Anruf auch als Fax erkennt.
Und da mein Handy oder IP-Telefon kein Fax ist, kommt eben dieser regelmässige Piep.
Habs 20mal piepen lassen.

Vielleicht wird ja ein "falsches" Protokoll rausgeschickt.
Es könnte ja zumindest schon "nah" dran sein, wenn das regelmässige Piepen zu hören ist.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

bin immer noch am rumprobieren und leider hilft alles nichts.
Das typische Faxpiepen vor der Übertragung kommt zwar, aber die Gegenstellen erkennen dies nicht als Fax und legen nach etwa 30sec wieder auf.
Ein Fax an mich endet mit der Meldung: 3314/Verbindungsabbau während der Übertragung
Kann es was mit der Baurate oder DTFM zu tun haben und falls ja, wo kann man dies einstellen?

Nein, damit kann es nichts zu tun haben. Aber mit deinem VoIP-Provider.
Richte dir mal eine Internet-Rufnummer bei einem dieser Provider ein und teste damit.

Sowohl unter GMX als auch sipgate das gleiche Phänomen: Fritzfax bleibt auf "zu senden" stehen.
Unter dem System-Log der Fritzbox-Website findet man immer: Fax-Signalisierung: CED-Ton
Unter Wikipedia steht, dass der CED-Ton eine Antwort der Gegenstelle ist um weitere Protokoll-Parameter auszuhandeln.
Anscheinend schickt meine Box auf diesen CED-Ton nichts mehr.
Das würde auch das Auflegen der Gegenstellen nach etwa 30sec erklären.
Weiss jemand wo das komplette Logfile für VOIP gespeichert ist?
Ein grep -rl 'Fax-Signalisierung: CED-Ton' /var/ hat nichts gebracht.

Unter dem System-Log der Fritzbox-Website findet man immer: Fax-Signalisierung: CED-Ton
Unter Wikipedia steht, dass der CED-Ton eine Antwort der Gegenstelle ist um weitere Protokoll-Parameter auszuhandeln.
Anscheinend schickt meine Box auf diesen CED-Ton nichts mehr.
Das erklärt alles. Dort müsste stehen: Fax-Signalisierung: CNG-Ton
Offenbar startest du einen Faxabruf von der Gegenstelle, anstatt ein Fax zu senden. :)

hab jetzt mal capifax konfiguriert um einen guten Trace zu erhalten.
Das erste Problem ist wohl die Baudrate, denn mit 9600Baud scheinen die Partner zumindest einen Codec auszuhandeln, was mit 14400Baud gar nicht der Fall war. Im Trace wurden die Telefonnummern mit --- ersetzt:

 capifax v0.7.3 (c) Marco Zissen
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:15:37 - libcapifax v0.7.3 (c) 2008-2009 Marco Zissen
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:15:37 - Found controller #1 with 2 B-channel(s)
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:15:37 - Found controller #2 with 2 B-channel(s)
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:15:37 - Found controller #3 with 2 B-channel(s)
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:15:37 - Found controller #4 with 1 B-channel(s)
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:15:37 - Found controller #5 with 5 B-channel(s)
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:15:37 - Found 5 controllers!
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:15:37 - Listen to controller #5 ...
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:15:37 - capifax_init(ctrl: 5, loglevel: 3, ev_status: 1000d71c, ev_progress: 1000d720, ev_log: 1000d724)
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:15:37 - libcapifax successfully initialized!
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:15:37 - capifax_send(tiff: mytiff.tiff, modem: 2, ecm: on, controller: 5, src: ---, trg: ---, ident: +00 00 0000000, header: (null), anonymous: 0)
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:15:37 - REQ: CONNECT (--- -> ---)
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:15:37 - CNF: CAPI_LISTEN
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:15:37 - CNF: CAPI_CONNECT - (PLCI: 1029)
 Phase:          1
 Connection:     0
 Src-No:         ---
 Dst-No:         ---
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:15:38 - IND: CAPI_CONNECT - CON: -1, PLCI: 1285, NCCI: 0 - IGNORING (--- <- 1#0731---)
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:15:56 - IND: CAPI_CONNECT_ACTIVE - CON: 0, PLCI: 1029, NCCI: 0
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:15:56 - CNF: CAPI_CONNECT_B3
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:15:56 - IND: CAPI_CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE - CON: 0, PLCI: 1029, NCCI: 132101
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:15:56 - 1970/01/01 02:09:41.485 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier up (-2) in state 18

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:15:56 - 1970/01/01 02:09:41.501 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier down (-1) in state 18

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:15:58 - 1970/01/01 02:09:43.357 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier up (-2) in state 18

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:02 - 1970/01/01 02:09:47.148 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier down (-1) in state 18

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:02 - 1970/01/01 02:09:47.211 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier up (-2) in state 18

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:02 - 1970/01/01 02:09:47.491 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Framing OK (-6) in state 18

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:02 - 1970/01/01 02:09:47.491 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_A_CNG to T30_PHASE_B_RX

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Rx:  DIS with final frame tag

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Rx:  ff 13 80 20 ee 9a c4 80 d7 83 80 80 20

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 In state 18

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DIS:

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..1. ....= V.8 capabilities: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .0.. ....= Preferred octets: 256 octets

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Ready to transmit a fax document (polling): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Can receive fax: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..10 11..= Supported data signalling rates: V.27 ter, V.29, and V.17

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= 2-D coding: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..10= Recording width: 215mm +- 1, 255mm +- 1 0x1.dc2c40p-1021nd 303mm +- 1

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .001 ....= Receiver's minimum scan line time: 5ms at 3.85 l/mm; T7.7 = T3.85

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= "Field not valid" supported: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Multiple selective polling: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Polled sub-address: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= T.43 coding: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ...0 ....= Plane interleave: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..0. ....= Voice coding with 32kbit/s ADPCM (Rec. G.726): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .0.. ....= Reserved for the use of extended voice coding set: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...1= R8x15.4lines/mm: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= 300x300pels/25.4mm: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= R16x15.4lines/mm and/or 400x400pels/25.4mm: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Inch-based resolution preferred: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ...1 ....= Metric-based resolution preferred: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..0. ....= Minimum scan line time for higher resolutions: T15.4 = T7.7

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= Selective polling: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...1= Sub-addressing: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Password: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Ready to transmit a data file (polling): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ...0 ....= Binary file transfer (BFT): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..0. ....= Document transfer mode (DTM): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .0.. ....= Electronic data interchange (EDI): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Basic transfer mode (BTM): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Ready to transfer a character or mixed mode document (polling): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Character mode: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..0. ....= Mixed mode (Annex E/T.4): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Processable mode 26 (Rec. T.505): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Digital network capability: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Duplex capability: Half only

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= JPEG coding: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ...0 ....= Full colour mode: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .0.. ....= 12bits/pel component: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= No subsampling (1:1:1): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Custom illuminant: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Custom gamut range: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= North American Letter (215.9mm x 279.4mm): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ...0 ....= North American Legal (215.9mm x 355.6mm): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..1. ....= Single-progression sequential coding (Rec. T.85) basic: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .0.. ....= Single-progression sequential coding (Rec. T.85) optional L0: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Selected compression 3

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - Phase B handler (0x80) DIS
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - Phase B: bit rate 9600
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - Phase B: ECM on
 Phase:          2
 Connection:     0
 Bitrate:        9600
 Encoding:       0
 Bad rows:       0
 Page:           1 / 0
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Trying to send file 'mytiff.tiff'

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Start sending document

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.003 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Minimum bits per row will be 0

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Starting page 1 of transfer

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Partial page buffer contains 7 frames (256 per frame)

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DCS:

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Receive fax: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..00 01..= Selected data signalling rate: V.29, 9600bps

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= 2-D coding: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..00= Recording width: 215mm +- 1

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .111 ....= Minimum scan line time: 0ms

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Frame size: 256 octets

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 18 to 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Sending ident '+00 00 0000000'

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  TSI without final frame tag

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.019 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  ff 03 43 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 30 30 20 30 30 2b 20 20 20 20 20 20

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.143 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier down (-1) in state 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:05 - 1970/01/01 02:09:50.143 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_RX to T30_PHASE_B_TX

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:51.781 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:51.781 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DCS:

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:51.781 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:51.781 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:51.781 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:51.781 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Receive fax: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:51.781 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..00 01..= Selected data signalling rate: V.29, 9600bps

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:51.781 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:51.781 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= 2-D coding: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:51.781 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..00= Recording width: 215mm +- 1

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:51.781 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:51.781 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .111 ....= Minimum scan line time: 0ms

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:51.781 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:51.781 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:51.781 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:51.781 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Frame size: 256 octets

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:51.781 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:51.781 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:51.781 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  DCS with final frame tag

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:51.781 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  ff 13 83 00 46 f8 44

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:52.093 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:52.171 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:52.171 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 4 to 5

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:07 - 1970/01/01 02:09:52.171 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_TX to T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:09 - 1970/01/01 02:09:54.324 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX, state 5

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:09 - 1970/01/01 02:09:54.324 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX to T30_PHASE_B_RX

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:09 - 1970/01/01 02:09:54.324 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Start T4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:09 - 1970/01/01 02:09:54.324 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 5 to 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:09 - 1970/01/01 02:09:54.340 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier up (-2) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:09 - 1970/01/01 02:09:54.465 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Abort (-8) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:10 - 1970/01/01 02:09:54.714 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier down (-1) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:10 - 1970/01/01 02:09:54.777 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier up (-2) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:10 - 1970/01/01 02:09:54.995 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Framing OK (-6) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:10 - 1970/01/01 02:09:54.995 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Start T4A

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.103 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier down (-1) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.103 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Start T4B

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 T4B expired in phase T30_PHASE_B_RX, state 6. The line is now quiet.

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 T4 expired in phase T30_PHASE_B_RX, state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Retry number 1

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_RX to T30_PHASE_B_TX

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DCS:

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Receive fax: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..00 01..= Selected data signalling rate: V.29, 9600bps

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= 2-D coding: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..00= Recording width: 215mm +- 1

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .111 ....= Minimum scan line time: 0ms

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Frame size: 256 octets

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 6 to 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Sending ident '+00 00 0000000'

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  TSI without final frame tag

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:11 - 1970/01/01 02:09:56.290 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  ff 03 43 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 30 30 20 30 30 2b 20 20 20 20 20 20

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:57.943 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:57.943 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DCS:

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:57.943 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:57.943 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:57.943 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:57.943 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Receive fax: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:57.943 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..00 01..= Selected data signalling rate: V.29, 9600bps

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:57.943 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:57.943 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= 2-D coding: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:57.943 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..00= Recording width: 215mm +- 1

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:57.943 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:57.943 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .111 ....= Minimum scan line time: 0ms

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:57.943 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:57.943 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:57.943 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:57.943 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Frame size: 256 octets

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:57.943 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:57.943 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:57.943 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  DCS with final frame tag

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:57.943 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  ff 13 83 00 46 f8 44

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:58.271 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:58.365 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:58.365 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 4 to 5

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:13 - 1970/01/01 02:09:58.365 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_TX to T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:15 - 1970/01/01 02:10:00.502 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX, state 5

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:15 - 1970/01/01 02:10:00.502 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX to T30_PHASE_B_RX

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:15 - 1970/01/01 02:10:00.502 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Start T4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:15 - 1970/01/01 02:10:00.502 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 5 to 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:15 - 1970/01/01 02:10:00.533 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier up (-2) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:16 - 1970/01/01 02:10:00.892 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier down (-1) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:16 - 1970/01/01 02:10:01.001 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier up (-2) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:16 - 1970/01/01 02:10:01.141 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Framing OK (-6) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:16 - 1970/01/01 02:10:01.141 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Start T4A

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Rx:  FTT with final frame tag

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Rx:  ff 13 44

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 In state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Trainability test failed

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DCS:

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Receive fax: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..00 11..= Selected data signalling rate: V.29 7200bps

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= 2-D coding: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..00= Recording width: 215mm +- 1

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .111 ....= Minimum scan line time: 0ms

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Frame size: 256 octets

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 6 to 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Sending ident '+00 00 0000000'

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  TSI without final frame tag

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.234 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  ff 03 43 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 30 30 20 30 30 2b 20 20 20 20 20 20

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.343 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier down (-1) in state 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:17 - 1970/01/01 02:10:02.343 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_RX to T30_PHASE_B_TX

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:03.981 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:03.981 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DCS:

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:03.981 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:03.981 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:03.981 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:03.981 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Receive fax: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:03.981 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..00 11..= Selected data signalling rate: V.29 7200bps

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:03.981 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:03.981 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= 2-D coding: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:03.981 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..00= Recording width: 215mm +- 1

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:03.981 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:03.981 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .111 ....= Minimum scan line time: 0ms

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:03.981 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:03.981 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:03.981 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:03.981 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Frame size: 256 octets

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:03.981 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:03.981 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:03.981 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  DCS with final frame tag

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:03.981 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  ff 13 83 00 4e f8 44

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:04.293 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:04.386 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:04.386 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 4 to 5

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:19 - 1970/01/01 02:10:04.386 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_TX to T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:21 - 1970/01/01 02:10:06.524 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX, state 5

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:21 - 1970/01/01 02:10:06.524 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX to T30_PHASE_B_RX

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:21 - 1970/01/01 02:10:06.524 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Start T4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:21 - 1970/01/01 02:10:06.524 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 5 to 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:22 - 1970/01/01 02:10:06.555 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier up (-2) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:22 - 1970/01/01 02:10:06.898 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier down (-1) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:22 - 1970/01/01 02:10:07.023 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier up (-2) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:22 - 1970/01/01 02:10:07.179 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Framing OK (-6) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:22 - 1970/01/01 02:10:07.179 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Start T4A

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Rx:  FTT with final frame tag

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Rx:  ff 13 44

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 In state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Trainability test failed

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DCS:

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Receive fax: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..00 10..= Selected data signalling rate: V.27ter 4800bps

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= 2-D coding: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..00= Recording width: 215mm +- 1

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .111 ....= Minimum scan line time: 0ms

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Frame size: 256 octets

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 6 to 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Sending ident '+00 00 0000000'

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  TSI without final frame tag

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.255 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  ff 03 43 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 30 30 20 30 30 2b 20 20 20 20 20 20

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.364 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier down (-1) in state 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:23 - 1970/01/01 02:10:08.364 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_RX to T30_PHASE_B_TX

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.049 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.049 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DCS:

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.049 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.049 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.049 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.049 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Receive fax: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.049 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..00 10..= Selected data signalling rate: V.27ter 4800bps

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.049 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.049 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= 2-D coding: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.049 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..00= Recording width: 215mm +- 1

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.049 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.049 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .111 ....= Minimum scan line time: 0ms

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.049 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.049 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.049 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.049 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Frame size: 256 octets

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.049 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.049 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.049 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  DCS with final frame tag

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.049 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  ff 13 83 00 4a f8 44

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.330 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.424 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.424 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 4 to 5

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:25 - 1970/01/01 02:10:10.424 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_TX to T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:28 - 1970/01/01 02:10:13.091 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX, state 5

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:28 - 1970/01/01 02:10:13.091 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX to T30_PHASE_B_RX

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:28 - 1970/01/01 02:10:13.091 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Start T4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:28 - 1970/01/01 02:10:13.091 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 5 to 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:28 - 1970/01/01 02:10:13.107 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier up (-2) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:28 - 1970/01/01 02:10:13.310 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Abort (-8) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:28 - 1970/01/01 02:10:13.434 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier down (-1) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:29 - 1970/01/01 02:10:13.637 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier up (-2) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:29 - 1970/01/01 02:10:13.778 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Framing OK (-6) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:29 - 1970/01/01 02:10:13.778 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Start T4A

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:29 - 1970/01/01 02:10:13.840 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Abort (-8) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:29 - 1970/01/01 02:10:13.902 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Abort (-8) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:14.932 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier down (-1) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:14.932 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Start T4B

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 T4B expired in phase T30_PHASE_B_RX, state 6. The line is now quiet.

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 T4 expired in phase T30_PHASE_B_RX, state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Retry number 1

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_RX to T30_PHASE_B_TX

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DCS:

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Receive fax: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..00 10..= Selected data signalling rate: V.27ter 4800bps

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= 2-D coding: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..00= Recording width: 215mm +- 1

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .111 ....= Minimum scan line time: 0ms

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Frame size: 256 octets

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 6 to 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Sending ident '+00 00 0000000'

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  TSI without final frame tag

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:30 - 1970/01/01 02:10:15.135 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  ff 03 43 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 30 30 20 30 30 2b 20 20 20 20 20 20

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:16.773 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:16.773 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 DCS:

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:16.773 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ...0= Store and forward Internet fax (T.37): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:16.773 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .0..= Real-time Internet fax (T.38): Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:16.773 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= 3G mobile network: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:16.773 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..1.= Receive fax: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:16.773 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   ..00 10..= Selected data signalling rate: V.27ter 4800bps

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:16.773 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= R8x7.7lines/mm and/or 200x200pels/25.4mm: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:16.773 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= 2-D coding: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:16.773 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..00= Recording width: 215mm +- 1

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:16.773 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 10..= Recording length: Unlimited

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:16.773 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .111 ....= Minimum scan line time: 0ms

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:16.773 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   1... ....= Extension indicator: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:16.773 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... ..0.= Compressed/uncompressed mode: Compressed

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:16.773 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... .1..= Error correction mode (ECM): ECM

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:16.773 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .... 0...= Frame size: 256 octets

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:16.773 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   .1.. ....= T.6 coding: Set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:16.773 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30   0... ....= Extension indicator: Not set

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:16.773 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  DCS with final frame tag

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:16.773 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Tx:  ff 13 83 00 4a f8 44

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:17.100 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:17.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_B_TX, state 4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:17.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 4 to 5

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:32 - 1970/01/01 02:10:17.194 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_TX to T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:35 - 1970/01/01 02:10:19.862 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX, state 5

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:35 - 1970/01/01 02:10:19.862 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_C_NON_ECM_TX to T30_PHASE_B_RX

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:35 - 1970/01/01 02:10:19.862 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Start T4

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:35 - 1970/01/01 02:10:19.862 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 5 to 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:35 - 1970/01/01 02:10:19.893 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier up (-2) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:35 - 1970/01/01 02:10:20.252 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier down (-1) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:36 - 1970/01/01 02:10:21.032 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Carrier up (-2) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:36 - 1970/01/01 02:10:21.172 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 HDLC signal status is Framing OK (-6) in state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:36 - 1970/01/01 02:10:21.172 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Start T4A

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:37 - 1970/01/01 02:10:22.264 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Rx:  DCN with final frame tag

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:37 - 1970/01/01 02:10:22.264 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Rx:  ff 13 fa

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:37 - 1970/01/01 02:10:22.264 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 In state 6

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:37 - 1970/01/01 02:10:22.264 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Disconnecting

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:37 - 1970/01/01 02:10:22.264 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_B_RX to T30_PHASE_E

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:37 - 1970/01/01 02:10:22.264 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 6 to 2

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:38 - 1970/01/01 02:10:23.294 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Send complete in phase T30_PHASE_E, state 2

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:38 - Phase E handler (0xE) Received bad response to DCS or training
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:38 - Phase E: pages transferred 0
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:38 - Phase E: image resolution 8031 x 7700
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:38 - Phase E: compression type 3
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:38 - Phase E: coding method T.6
 Phase:          4
 Connection:     0
 Bitrate:        4800
 Encoding:       3
 Bad rows:       0
 Page:           0 / 1
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:38 - 1970/01/01 02:10:23.294 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from state 2 to 32

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:38 - 1970/01/01 02:10:23.294 00:00:00.000 FLOW T.30 Changing from phase T30_PHASE_E to T30_PHASE_CALL_FINISHED

[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:38 - CAPI 0x3490 - Normal call clearing
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:38 - IND: CAPI_DISCONNECT - CON: 0, PLCI: 1029, NCCI: 0
 Phase:          6
 Connection:     0
 Bitrate:        4800
 Encoding:       3
 Bad rows:       0
 Page:           0 / 1
[libcapifax] 14.11.2011 03:16:39 - libcapifax v0.7.3 closed!
 capifax exited!

Was mich stutzig macht ist z.B. Phase E: image resolution 8031 x 7700
Warum ist die so hoch?
Im ghostscript Drucker hab ich auf grobe Auflösung gestellt.
Und wenn es wirklich an der Baudrate liegt, wie kann man denn diese für den Empfang einstellen im CapiFax und Fritzfax?

Danke und Gruß

PS: Danke an die Macher für dieses geniale Tool capifax!
Erklär mal, wie du vorgehst, um mit Fritzfax ein Fax zu versenden.
Verstehe Deine Frage nicht, was hat das mit dem Trace von capifax zu tun?
Wie Du siehst liegt doch ein Problem in der Codec-Aushandlung bzw. mit der Baudrate vor, denn mit 14400Baud geht gar nichts.
Aber egal: Textdatei öffnen -> Drucken mit FritzFax -> fertig.

Bin echt am Überlegen FritzFax ganz wegzulassen und nur noch mit capifax zu arbeiten. Dort hat man wenigstens die Sourcen dazu.


Hab auch noch den capture trace auf der Box angeschalten um mal mit Wireshark draufzuschauen.
Auch dort sieht man, dass wohl das Faxen via VOIP bei mir extrem instabil ist.
Nach vielen Versuchen mit capifax sieht man z.B., dass er manchmal den Gegenstellen-Gerätetyp erkennt(als japanisches Xerox irgendwas :)) und manchmal nicht...stabil sieht anders aus.
Es wird der Codec G.711 verwendet was wohl OK ist.
Werd das Ganze jetzt erstmal aufgeben, da der Aufwand um so etwas zu fixen zu hoch ist.
Mit einer Online-Fax-Löung von einem Provider spart man sich dann doch Zeit und Nerven ;)

Falls jemand die gleiche Box hat, oder falls mal ein FW-Update ansteht würde ich mich freuen, hier Neues zu hören.
Vielen Dank an alle für Eure Hilfe und Vorschläge!!

Schöne Grüße,
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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