0:03:312: AVM Berlin recover-tool-version:[RECOVER:126][IO_CSP:47] compiled at Aug 2 2006 on 16:16:34
0:03:312: Registry: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TcpIp\Parameters\DisableDHCPMediaSense=1
0:03:312: recover-firmware-id: 94
0:03:312: recover-firmware-version: 29.04.15
0:03:312: recover-urloader-version: 153
0:03:312: check adapter(SiS 900 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter) adapter 0x2: Ip: (static)
0:03:312: compatible ipaddress (static) found: on adapter 0x2
0:04:343: search on addr:
0:37:515: ---> read environment <---
0:37:609: open ftp port 21
0:38:093: recv: 220 ADAM2 FTP Server ready
0:38:093: send: USER adam2
0:38:093: recv: 331 Password required for adam2
0:38:093: send: PASS adam2
0:38:093: recv: 230 User adam2 successfully logged in
0:38:093: send: SYST
0:38:093: recv: 215 AVM EVA Version 1.128 0x0 0xB
0:38:093: send: TYPE I
0:38:093: recv: 200 Type set to BINARY
0:38:093: send: MEDIA SDRAM
0:38:093: recv: 200 Media set to MEDIA_SDRAM
0:38:093: send: P@SW
0:38:093: recv: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,178,2,5,199)
0:38:093: open ftp data port 1479
0:38:093: send: RETR env
0:38:093: recv: 150 Opening BINARY data connection
0:38:109: recv: 226 Transfer complete
0:38:203: environment successfully readed(1462 bytes)
0:38:203: send: USER adam2
0:38:203: recv: 331 Password required for adam2
0:38:203: send: PASS adam2
0:38:203: recv: 230 User adam2 successfully logged in
0:38:203: send: SYST
0:38:203: recv: 215 AVM EVA Version 1.128 0x0 0xB
0:38:203: send: TYPE I
0:38:203: recv: 200 Type set to BINARY
0:38:203: send: MEDIA SDRAM
0:38:203: recv: 200 Media set to MEDIA_SDRAM
0:38:203: send: P@SW
0:38:203: recv: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,178,2,7,59)
0:38:203: open ftp data port 1851
0:38:218: send: RETR count
0:38:218: recv: 150 Opening BINARY data connection
0:38:390: recv: 226 Transfer complete
0:38:500: environment successfully readed(152 bytes)
0:38:500: send: BYE
0:38:500: recv: 221 Thank you for using the FTP service on ADAM2
0:38:578: hardware-revision:
0:38:578: firmware-version: 29.04.22
0:38:578: urloader-version: 1128
0:38:578: oem: avm
0:39:734: update kernel-image (size: 4249344)
0:39:734: ---> write image (mtd1) <---
0:39:828: open ftp port 21
0:40:312: recv: 220 ADAM2 FTP Server ready
0:40:312: send: USER adam2
0:40:312: recv: 331 Password required for adam2
0:40:312: send: PASS adam2
0:40:312: recv: 230 User adam2 successfully logged in
0:40:312: send: SYST
0:40:312: recv: 215 AVM EVA Version 1.128 0x0 0xB
0:40:312: send: TYPE I
0:40:312: recv: 200 Type set to BINARY
0:40:312: send: MEDIA FLSH
0:40:312: recv: 200 Media set to MEDIA_FLASH
0:40:312: send: P@SW
0:40:312: recv: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,178,2,5,103)
0:40:312: open ftp data port 1383
0:40:312: clear flash-partition (mtd1)
2:28:140: send: STOR mtd1
2:28:140: recv: 150 Opening BINARY data connection
2:28:140: flash clear (mtd1) ok : now send image
2:28:250: update flash-partition (mtd1)
2:28:250: send image (size=4249344) for mtd1
3:35:843: recv: 226 Transfer complete
3:35:843: flash write (mtd1) ok
3:35:953: send: USER adam2
3:35:953: recv: 331 Password required for adam2
3:35:953: send: PASS adam2
3:35:953: recv: 230 User adam2 successfully logged in
3:35:953: send: SYST
3:35:953: recv: 215 AVM EVA Version 1.128 0x0 0xB
3:35:953: send: TYPE I
3:35:953: recv: 200 Type set to BINARY
3:35:953: send: MEDIA FLSH
3:35:953: recv: 200 Media set to MEDIA_FLASH
3:35:953: send: P@SW
3:35:953: recv: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,178,2,7,35)
3:35:953: open ftp data port 1827
3:35:953: check partition (mtd1)
3:37:875: send: CHECK mtd1
3:37:875: recv: 150 Flash check 0xC867EBAF
3:37:875: scanned crc = 0xc867ebaf
3:37:984: successfully update of mtd1
3:37:984: send: BYE
3:37:984: recv: 505 Close Data connection first
3:38:562: set defaultsettings mtd3 (size: 262144)
3:38:562: ---> write image (mtd3) <---
3:38:671: open ftp port 21
3:39:156: recv: 220 ADAM2 FTP Server ready
3:39:156: send: USER adam2
3:39:156: recv: 331 Password required for adam2
3:39:156: send: PASS adam2
3:39:156: recv: 230 User adam2 successfully logged in
3:39:156: send: SYST
3:39:156: recv: 215 AVM EVA Version 1.128 0x0 0xB
3:39:156: send: TYPE I
3:39:156: recv: 200 Type set to BINARY
3:39:156: send: MEDIA FLSH
3:39:156: recv: 200 Media set to MEDIA_FLASH
3:39:156: send: P@SW
3:39:156: recv: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,178,2,4,60)
3:39:156: open ftp data port 1084
3:39:156: clear flash-partition (mtd3)
3:40:531: send: STOR mtd3
3:40:531: recv: 150 Opening BINARY data connection
3:40:593: flash clear (mtd3) ok : now send image
3:40:703: update flash-partition (mtd3)
3:40:703: send image (size=262144) for mtd3
3:41:609: recv: 226 Transfer complete
3:41:609: flash write (mtd3) ok
3:41:718: successfully update of mtd3
3:41:718: send: BYE
3:41:718: recv: 221 Thank you for using the FTP service on ADAM2
3:42:296: set defaultsettings mtd4 (size: 262144)
3:42:296: ---> write image (mtd4) <---
3:42:406: open ftp port 21
3:42:875: recv: 220 ADAM2 FTP Server ready
3:42:875: send: USER adam2
3:42:875: recv: 331 Password required for adam2
3:42:875: send: PASS adam2
3:42:875: recv: 230 User adam2 successfully logged in
3:42:875: send: SYST
3:42:875: recv: 215 AVM EVA Version 1.128 0x0 0xB
3:42:875: send: TYPE I
3:42:875: recv: 200 Type set to BINARY
3:42:875: send: MEDIA FLSH
3:42:875: recv: 200 Media set to MEDIA_FLASH
3:42:875: send: P@SW
3:42:875: recv: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,178,2,4,222)
3:42:875: open ftp data port 1246
3:42:875: clear flash-partition (mtd4)
3:44:421: send: STOR mtd4
3:44:421: recv: 150 Opening BINARY data connection
3:44:421: flash clear (mtd4) ok : now send image
3:44:546: update flash-partition (mtd4)
3:44:546: send image (size=262144) for mtd4
3:45:453: recv: 226 Transfer complete
3:45:453: flash write (mtd4) ok
3:45:562: successfully update of mtd4
3:45:562: ---> reboot <---
3:46:750: ----EOF---