Thomson 780WL->IE Browser failure


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21 Mrz 2007
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Hi VoIP dudes,

Have had some strange behaviour with the 780WL and FW 6.2F. After days or weeks of error-free operation, the internet runs (email services run, etc), but the Microdoof IE v6.0 browser locks up (better said 'locks out'), meaning no response to/from internet, although LAN connectivity is working and other applications like Outlook continue to work. There are no internet/connectivity errors noted in log. Using 'ping' to check connectivity after the browser 'lock out', packet loss is 100%.

It forces one to reboot device ...then after some hours, the same situation occurs. After reboot and services are restored, browser, outlook, ping, etc works. I thought that it was my computer, but then heard from a few others that they have had the same inconsistancy.

Has anyone else been having such problems and if so, are there any potential solutions?
...ummmm I have FW Do you think that maybe the 780WL firewall is blocking maybe an important communication channel/port?

The configuration is very standard, only codex priority was changed.

It would be easier if the whole internet was not working, but *only* the IE browser not working while apps such as Outlook continue to work, is very very strange. Switched over to my Unix Box and over to the Mac OS10 machine...has same problem, using different browsers. After reset, all is rosy though. Great machine when it works.
No, the standard level of the Firewall is blocking nothing of outgoing communication and answers are not blocked two.

Try using Firefox. Does it have the same problem?
Hi dude ..
Yea works well with Firefox.... So I guess it is a IExplorer thang. mucho danke for the infos and tips though!

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