VoipCheap Reseller Issues


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29 Nov 2007
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I need your help.I want to know the procedure to be a reseller in voipcheap.As per their rules i've already made one transaction from one their payment options (Ukash). But now i am not having any such options to transfer credit from my account to some other accounts.Urgent!!!
Has you the (at least) one month waiting time after your payment through Ukash now over?
Not exactly itz been a week only.But what actual is the procedure.How will they inform me
You will see an invitation in your account page.
thank you ,how long will it take.Actually,i've already bought big credit assuming that i would be able to transfer my amount to other accounts.
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And after you have you're reselling account, it can disappear as it came... Just as they like at betamax. Don't expect support for your reselling account.
I am sorry, i didnt get you.But how would i know that i am a reseller now.:groesste:
Sorry, it wasn't against you. But it's very frustrating after you get finally after a month a reseller status - and you lose it a month later.

Just a hint: Don't pay to much on your reseller account...
i thought that it would be worth to keep big amount so i could transfer it after i become reseller.isnt there any customer support from where i could get the full info
thank god ,when i actually read it.Its just an option to be a reseller through them.Thank you but i've already bought much credit so better i should wait.Thanks once again
oh please is there any source from which i could contact Betamax.Its been a month already and i've still not recieved anything like Resellership.Please help

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