hab alles wie im Link deiner ersten Antwort beschrieben gemacht. Hab inzwischen auch die FW der FritzBox aktualisiert. Hab nun auch die DSL 54.04.88-18956. Geht aber trotzdem nicht.
Beim reboot der FB bekomme ich in Telnet diese Meldungen:
BusyBox v1.8.2 (2010-06-22 13:16:24 CEST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
ermittle die aktuelle TTY
tty is "/dev/pts/0"
Console Ausgaben auf dieses Terminal umgelenkt
# Jan 1 01:01:04 dsld[1262]: voip: ppptarget voip disabled, ignored
[dsl_ur8] activating vpi=1 vci=32
[dsl_ur8] DDC_cpsarChOpen done:0: Ch=0, Dir=RX
[dsl_ur8] DDC_cpsarChOpen done:0: Ch=0, Dir=TX
[dsl_ur8] Successfully opened vpi=1 vci=32 chan=0
vcc_connect(1,32) done.[dsl_ur8] deactivating vc
[dsl_ur8] DDC_sar_deactivate_vc: rc_rx = 0x0 rc_tx = 0x0
vcc_release(1,32) done.[dsl_ur8] activating vpi=1 vci=32
[dsl_ur8] DDC_cpsarChOpen done:0: Ch=0, Dir=RX
[dsl_ur8] DDC_cpsarChOpen done:0: Ch=0, Dir=TX
[dsl_ur8] Successfully opened vpi=1 vci=32 chan=0
vcc_connect(1,32) done.kdsld_token_thread: start
sch_llq: Jan 5 2011 16:08:27
rtc-avm rtc-avm.0: rtc intf: dev (253:0)
rtc-avm rtc-avm.1: rtc intf: dev (253:1)
rtc-avm rtc-avm.0: rtc intf: proc
rtc-avm rtc-avm.0: rtc intf: sysfs
rtc-avm rtc-avm.1: rtc intf: sysfsJan 1 01:01:09 chronyd[1413]: chronyd version
1.23 starting
Jan 1 01:01:10 chronyd[1413]: Initial txc.tick=10000 txc.freq=0 (0.00000000) tx
c.offset=0 => hz=100 shift_hz=7
Jan 1 01:01:10 chronyd[1413]: set_config_hz=0 hz=100 shift_hz=7 basic_freq_scal
e=1.28000000 nominal_tick=10000 slew_delta_tick=833 max_tick_bias=1000
Jan 1 01:01:10 chronyd[1413]: Linux kernel major=2 minor=6 patch=19
Jan 1 01:01:10 chronyd[1413]: calculated_freq_scale=0.99902439 freq_scale=0.999
Jan 1 01:01:11 chronyd[1413]: System's initial offset : 350818097.630588 second
s slow of true (step)
Feb 12 10:29:28 chronyd[1413]: Old system time Sat Jan 1 01:01:11 2000 (apply_s
Feb 12 10:29:28 chronyd[1413]: New system time Sat Feb 12 10:29:28 2011
settimeofday called from chronyd pid 1413 (1297502968)Feb 12 10:29:28 telefon[12
74]: set initial telefon time from linux time to 10:29:28 12.02 2011!
Feb 12 10:29:29 chronyd[1413]: Could not send to : Bad file descript
Feb 12 10:29:30 chronyd[1413]: Could not send to : Bad file descrip
Feb 12 10:29:30 chronyd[1413]: Could not send to : Bad file descript
Feb 12 10:29:31 chronyd[1413]: Could not send to : Bad file descrip
Feb 12 10:29:31 chronyd[1413]: Could not send to : Bad file descript
Feb 12 10:29:32 chronyd[1413]: Could not send to : Bad file descrip
# Feb 12 10:30:27 chronyd[1413]: Trimming RTC, error = -1297506520.392 seconds
[4294950423]maxrun: 1/var/tmp/socat: can't load library 'libutil.so.0'
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_cpuclock: norm_power_rate=
100 act_rate=100 mul=0 div=1 offset=0 NormP=0 mW -> SumNormP=0 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_systemclock: norm_power_ra
te=100 act_rate=100 mul=65 div=10 offset=1793 NormP=2443 mW -> SumNormP=2443 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_wlan: norm_power_rate=100
act_rate=55 mul=84 div=10 offset=100 NormP=940 mW -> SumNormP=3383 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_isdnnt: norm_power_rate=10
0 act_rate=0 mul=1 div=1 offset=0 NormP=100 mW -> SumNormP=3483 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_isdnte: norm_power_rate=10
0 act_rate=0 mul=1 div=1 offset=0 NormP=100 mW -> SumNormP=3583 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_analog: norm_power_rate=20
0 act_rate=0 mul=141 div=10 offset=100 NormP=2920 mW -> SumNormP=6503 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_dect: norm_power_rate=100
act_rate=22 mul=200 div=78 offset=150 NormP=406 mW -> SumNormP=6909 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_ethernet: norm_power_rate=
467 act_rate=167772444 mul=1 div=1 offset=50 NormP=517 mW -> SumNormP=7426 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_dsl: norm_power_rate=100 a
ct_rate=100 mul=15 div=1 offset=0 NormP=1500 mW -> SumNormP=8926 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_usb_host: norm_power_rate=
500 act_rate=0 mul=55 div=10 offset=0 NormP=2750 mW -> SumNormP=11676 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_usb_client: norm_power_rat
e=0 act_rate=0 mul=0 div=1 offset=0 NormP=0 mW -> SumNormP=11676 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_charge: norm_power_rate=44
6 act_rate=0 mul=0 div=1 offset=0 NormP=0 mW -> SumNormP=11676 mW
[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: powerdevice_loadrate: norm_power_rate=
100 act_rate=21 mul=29 div=10 offset=-17 NormP=273 mW -> SumNormP=11949 mW
SysRq : Changing Loglevel
Loglevel set to 4Info: have to stop cat /dev/debug.
Please press Enter to activate this console.
[4294965402]maxrun: 1cat: read error: Broken pipe
Der Inhalt der debug.cfg ist genau wie in der Anleitung:
Sleep 120
cd /var/tmp
wget -qO wol.tar
tar -x -f wol.tar
rm wol.tar
chmod +x socat
/var/tmp/socat -T2 -u UDP-LISTEN:9,fork UDP-DATAGRAM:,broadcast
Außer diesem steht nix drin.