2002L AOL, De-Branding geschafft!

:p thanks for the help, .... distractedly I was me for I know the decoding ....
it is everything ok now :eek: :p :p
Hilfe !!!!!

moin Moin, sagt mal Hand aufs Herz lohnt sich die Arbeit wirklich bei 1&1 Kunden. Wenn ja ist von euch jemand aus dem Landkreis Offenbach just Rodgau ??? Denn das ist nicht wirklich mein Ding so mit Kabel gewutzel und sowas wäre euch echt für eine Hieb in die Seite dankbar.

Gruß Dirk

I've bought a noname cable for a siemens c55. Then I connected it as told.
but nothing is happening in hypertherminal. I used com1 and these setting 9600-8-n-1

is there something I'm doing wrong?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
do i understand it right that this siemens cable is a serial cable and not a usb cable?
but why a siemens cable then?
can't it be done with a normal rs232 cable then? or a nullmodemcable

which ones do i need, if its possible with such a connector
sandoz schrieb:
but why a siemens cable then?
can't it be done with a normal rs232 cable then? or a nullmodemcable
Because you need a level converter. You can't just connect a plain cable and have it work. Those serial cables for mobile phones already include a level converter in the DB9 plug.
Hi, my question is:
It is possible to make the zyxel communicate with PC using the cable used to unlock LG video phones?
This cable it's serial and have 2 transistors mounted on RX and TX and all the circuit it's powered by a 9V battery.
Thank you
Hello, sorry but im' italian and i don't speak german, it can be possible to use a USB data cable for siemens c55 or must be only a serial cable? Or there are any project with a handmade cable?

Thank you!
Shivaz schrieb:
Hello, sorry but im' italian and i don't speak german, it can be possible to use a USB data cable for siemens c55 or must be only a serial cable? Or there are any project with a handmade cable?

Thank you!

Yes, the USB data cable for a C55 can be used. I have done it with the USB cable for a C55. It's only difficult to make an connection.
Meine Kiste wollte nichte mehr neu starten, selftest-LED hat immer geblinkt. Einfach so nach einer stromunterbrechung, ohne dass ich irgendwas am gerät verändert habe.

ich hab' dann ein serielles Kabel von S45 mit 3 adern (ohne 3,3V) angeschlossen. ich bekamm fast genau die gleiche meldung wie schon beschrieben wurde:

jdmparts schrieb:
naja irgendwie passt´s noch nicht ganz,bekomme immer noch verbindung und keine reaktion auf reset.

siehe log:

Exception occured!c dc 80 3f 65 bc 8
EPC= 0x80024118 c3 1c ..|.
SR= 0x00000003
CR= 0x3080840C
$RA= 0x80047CDC
TLBS..\src\sys_isr.c:491 sysreset()80 3f 65 c8 00 00 01 9a .(.....

$r0= 0x00000000 $at= 0xB2600000 $v0= 0x00000003 $v1= 0x00000000
803f65c0: 00 00 01 9a 00 02 62 5a 00 02 62 5a 00 00 06 1a
$a0= 0x00000003 $a1= 0x00000000 $a2= 0x0000000A $a3= 0xFFFFFFF9
803f65d0: 80 3f 65 f0 80 05 21 d0 80 01 ff

nachdem ich hyperterminal auf 115200 b/s eingestellt habe, ging's wunderbar. ich habe eine standart firmware eingespillt und die kiste geht jetzt wieder.
excuse me but did U know that ALL signal converter circuits are powered?
Even if we don't see it, the cellular data cable it's powered by the phone!
It take power from the phone connector to supply the little signal converter.
So I don't understand how it is possible to make this working if U don't plug the cable in the phone!
I don't know how does it work, but it does! U kann test it on your own.
annegerben schrieb:

I've bought a noname cable for a siemens c55. Then I connected it as told.
but nothing is happening in hypertherminal. I used com1 and these setting 9600-8-n-1

is there something I'm doing wrong?
This cable didn'nt work, so i changed it for a usb, and that one did work!
livan74 schrieb:
excuse me but did U know that ALL signal converter circuits are powered?
Even if we don't see it, the cellular data cable it's powered by the phone!
It take power from the phone connector to supply the little signal converter.
So I don't understand how it is possible to make this working if U don't plug the cable in the phone!

In the case of the USB the MAX 232 is powered by the USB bus... in the case of the serial port by the +12 e GND pin... The circuit has only an IC so it doesn't need such power to need an external supply
What You say it's completely true but not in RS232 of the PC!
The PC serial port it's a "light" version of the true RS232 standard portand don't have the power supply! (I have some serial cellular cables that get power from usb port or game port because the serial port haven't!).
However I successfully debranded my Zyxel prestige AOL version to the standard version with the LG unlock cable made by me with only two transistors and a power supplyed by a 9volts battery :)
Best regards.
Except siemens date cables

which data cables I can use. Except siemens date cables. Siemens datacabel can buy I nowhere.
Hurray – I’ve done it too..... And very cheap!

On the Internet I found a very cheap way to make the connection to the serial port. You only need 2 transistors and 4 resistances.


It was easy to build, and worked very fine for me!!

Look at this link for further informations: http://www.adslayuda.com/foro-viewtopic-t-31454-start-220.html


  • vero.jpg
    35.6 KB · Aufrufe: 104

I did not understand everything, but i just bought that's router to connect it to my adsl router to use voip, do i need to change the firmware in order to use voip? or it's ok with the aol firmware?

If i understand well:

We have to first build a cable to connect it to the router
Then transfer the firmware from here:
and use that password stuff from here
to change the firmware from the aol to the normal zyxel firmware.

Am i right?


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