Change "speech sound" in FBF -please what file contain speech sound (IVR), and music?


Mitglied seit
24 Feb 2006
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I need Change "speech sound" in FBF -know how anybody, what file contain speech sound (IVR), and music and if is possible change this?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
..... nobody?
I do not think that it is possible to change the sound itself in the fritzbox!
If you want to improove the sound quality, you can influence this with

Adjustment/Telefon/Internettelefon/Advanced Adjustments

(this are my translations and will be slightly different in your English version)

But I am sure there are specialist, who know better than I!
Telefonie - Internettelefonie - Erweiterte Einstellungen ?

Not, i need change IVR messages from FBF (wav or any other sound-voice file) - typicaly hold on message etc.

Please tell me anybody, if possibloe or not possible, thanx.
vpe schrieb:
Please tell me anybody, if possibloe or not possible

Nothing is imposible - but it seems to be not easy;)

[edit: struck through]
AFAIK nobody managed this up to now, so I guess, the right answer for you is : "not possible"
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
IIRC it's possible but I can't remember the name of the thread.
And know anybody, what file contains this IVR data?

I know - change reference to this file to USBFlashDisk and play ivr message from USB :) But if ivr raw data is compiled into voipd or any other daemon, this is too hard...

And AVM not planned this feature (user change IVR sounds path via any preferences in voipd.cfg etc), know anybody?
Change IVR messages...

srupprecht schrieb:
IIRC it's possible but I can't remember the name of the thread.

And any keywords from this thread remebmer please? For my easier "Suchen".

please hint me...
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